1. What are the three classical management approaches?
Scientific, administrative, and bureaucratic
2. Classical management approach?
Efficiency, Frederick Taylor
3. Frank and Lillian Gilberth did what?
They did the motion study, with bricks
4. In 1916 Henri Fayol published... list fourteen principles.
5. Bureaucratic organization?
Looks into the company, paperwork, the process
6. Behavioural management approaches, Max Weber?
Fairness of equity
efficiency of utilizing resources
7. Describe the work of Mary Parker Follett
Look at employees and their behaviour instead of company
8. How do behavioural management and classical management differ?
Classical looks at how to be productive where as behavioural looks at the people and the behaviours/emotions
9. What happened at the Western Emetic Company in 1924? Hint: Hawthorne Studies
Proved that some of the things that they were doing were effective and infective. Found that the behaviours of workers are based on psychological factors
10. Hierarchy of needs? Maslow pyramid
Physiological needs
Safety Needs
Social Needs
Esteem Needs
Self-Actualization needs
11. McGregor's Theory X and Y
X= Don't care about your job, not motivated, bad worker
Y= Good worker, ambitious, desire to do hard work
12. Argyris's theory of Adult Personality
Teach workers as adults
13 A) Quantitative analysis and tools: Based on math, facts and figures
B) Organizations as systems: Systems that fall under a bigger system with the same goal in mind
C) Contingency Thinking: Find alternative actions for arising future problems or issues
E) Using intellectual capital for competitive advantage, continusouly improve and change the company for the better
F) Evidence-Based Management: Basing actions on past evidence that have proved to have a positive outcome
G) Twenty-first Century Leadership: Managers should be constantly learning, not left behind, focus on customers and employees, not about doing things right, but doing the right things
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